マスター ファン登録
I’m exhausted watching like Claire Danes through the water Kitchen light like blades through your body The party’s ablaze
長時間露光お疲れ様です。 光芒が鋭くビシビシ輝いています^_^ マスターさんは本当にロマンチストですね… お写真見ながら歌が流れているのでしょうか。 少し切ない歌詞です。
MightyGさん 毎度(#^.^#) いえいえ、労いのお言葉、有難う御座います(*^-^*) あははははは(*^▽^*) 光芒は作品に魅力を添えるので好きなんですよ(^^ゞ(笑) 乙女座にしてB型なんでロマンティストらしいっスわ(*^▽^*) 3つ有ります。 音楽に合わせて作品を撮る、撮った作品から音楽を探す、音楽から過去作を探すです(^^ゞ これは全て僕の愛する方に捧げる愛の符丁なんですよ(*^-^*)
konabe6303さん 毎度(#^.^#) 何時もコメ有難う御座います\(^o^)/ お蔭で最近やる気がめちゃ出てます・・・(^^ゞ 誉められて伸びるタイプかも(^_-)-☆(笑)
We grew apart when you were fighting with your sister, I Don’t think I realised how horribly I miss you now Regret is flowering inside me while I’m scooping ice Hope you know that I, I just don’t know what to do ‘Cause I only want to be with you I remember there was something strangely romantic In our friendship, we were dramatic I wept in your arms Talking for hours on thе gravel, letting our backs burn Walking to Boxers linking pinkiеs, wearing matching pearls And now I’m struggling, I’m choking up without the words Hope you know that I, I just don’t know what to do ‘Cause I only want to be with you I just miss your voice Say you’ve been alright Callin’ when you’re lonely, late at night ‘Cause I only want to be with you So I make my way Over as the white lightning zigzags And you’re with Ahmed Plum red slacks and tequila fraser And you laugh the same Hand on mouth ’cause you hate your teeth And I love your teeth And I’m scared to speak ‘Cause I catch a whiff of your rosetip tea But I, I just don’t know what to do ‘Cause I only want to be with you I just miss your voice Say you’ve been alright Callin’ when you’re lonely, late at night ‘Cause I only want to be with you Only want to be with you I only want to be with you Only want to be with you Blades Arlo Parksより(#^.^#)